
Codamotion Ltd Organisation Privacy Notice

Who is this notice for?

In the process of running our business, Codamotion Ltd (Codamotion), we collect information which might relate to you personally. For example, it is common for us to store the name and work email address of someone who has contacted us, and this is regarded as personal information because it would allow your place of work to be identified. This privacy notes sets out the types of personal data we hold, the legal basis for holding it, how it is used, how it is stored, and your data protection rights.

Our contact details

Codamotion Ltd
Unit 2 Victoria Mills
Fowke Street
United Kingdom

Contact for data protection matters:

    Email: [email protected]
    Telephone: +44 (0) 116 230 1060

Personal information collected

The type of information and terms of its collection depend on your relation to the business. This document applies to you if you:

  • Have been in contact with Codamotion because of your interest in 3D movement analysis systems
  • Work at an organisation which owns or has access to use a Codamotion system
  • Have applied for a job at Codamotion
  • Work or have previously worked at Codamotion (formerly Charnwood Dynamics Limited)
  • Have been in contact with Codamotion to represent a supplier or potential supplier to the business

Please see the section or sections which apply to you to find out more.

I’ve been in contact with Codamotion because of my interest in 3D movement analysis systems

Why do we collect information?

Our company is established to provide products and services to the 3D movement analysis sector and to encourage the uptake of movement analysis around the world. So it is a legitimate interest of the business to note your name, information to contact you at your organisation, details of the interest you have expressed, and information you may have put in the public domain which helps us to understand the wider context of our interactions. You may also volunteer contact information such as a mobile phone number for the purpose of arranging an in-person meeting.

How do we get the information?

We obtain this information when you provide it via forms on our website, or by email, or in conversation with us in person or online. Information more broadly describing your career interests could be taken from publicly accessible websites where we reasonably believe that this information is there with your approval, for example from a bio page on your employer’s website, LinkedIn, or X (formerly known as Twitter).

What is collected?

Your name, name and address of workplace, email address and phone number at workplace, any mobile phone contact shared, details of the interest you have expressed. Text or summaries of career interests taken from publicly accessible websites where we reasonably believe you have deliberately placed this information in the public domain for others to view.

What do we do with this information?

We use this information to follow up on your potential interest by personal email and calls. Information about your career interests taken from public sites may be read by Codamotion staff to understand the wider context of their communications with you. We may occasionally ask your permission to connect you with others whom we believe may be working on similar topics (who also would have given their permission to be connected) if we think it might help each of you. We may send an example newsletter about case studies, products, or services that we think may be relevant to you and would raise awareness of Codamotion technology amongst the movement analysis community. But you won’t receive more than one edition unless you ask to, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We might on occasion seek the services of subcontractors who will act as data processors for the purpose of assisting us with these activities, in accordance with this policy.

Where is it stored?

Your information is stored on secure Microsoft servers located at Microsoft premises within the UK, and at our UK offices. We may use the services of subcontractors in the UK who will act as data processors for the purpose of fulfilling these activities on our behalf, in accordance with this policy.

How long is it kept?

As the funding process in the research sector can span several years, we retain this information until you advise us that you are no longer interested in our products or services, or request for it to be deleted. You can also, of course, opt out of any newsletters from us at any time.

I work at an organisation which owns or has access to use a Codamotion system

Why do we collect information?

Our company is established to provide products and services to the 3D movement analysis sector and to encourage the uptake of movement analysis around the world. So we would like: all users of Codamotion systems to able to get the best from these systems, to provide appropriate support services, and to recommend new or accessory products which we believe are relevant. It is therefore a legitimate interest of the business to note your name, information to contact you at your organisation, records of communications with you, descriptions of your activities using Codamotion systems, and information you may have put in the public domain which helps us to understand the wider context of our interactions.

How do we get the information?

We obtain this information when you provide it via forms on our website, or by email, or in conversation with us in person or online. Information more broadly describing your career interests could be taken from publicly accessible websites where we reasonably believe that this information is there with your approval, for example from a bio page on your employer’s website, LinkedIn, or X (formerly known as Twitter).

What is collected?

Your name, name and address of workplace, email address and phone number at workplace, the contents of emails sent, notes from calls and conversations taken by Codamotion staff. Text or summaries of career interests taken from publicly accessible websites where we reasonably believe you have deliberately placed this information in the public domain for others to view.

What do we do with this information?

We use this information to respond to support queries and recommend product and service offerings which we believe will help you to get the most from your Codamotion system. Information about your career interests taken from public sites may be read by Codamotion staff to understand the wider context of their communications with you. We may occasionally ask your permission to connect you with others whom we believe may be working on similar topics (who also would have given their permission to be connected) if we think it might help each of you. We may send a newsletter about case studies, products, or services that we think may be relevant to your work and would raise awareness of Codamotion technology amongst the movement analysis community. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Where is it stored?

Your information is stored on secure Microsoft servers located at Microsoft premises within the UK, and at our UK offices. We may use the services of subcontractors in the UK who will act as data processors for the purpose of fulfilling these activities on our behalf, in accordance with this policy.

How long is it kept?

As the funding process in the research sector can span several years, we retain this information until you advise us that you are no longer interested in our products or services, or ask for it to be deleted.

I’ve applied for a job at Codamotion

Why do we collect information?

As part of the regular job applications process we need to collect candidate CVs, cover letters, and any correspondence associated with the recruitment process. This is due to our legitimate interest in finding the best candidate for the job, providing feedback or responding to queries about the recruitment process should this be requested afterwards, and learning from previous recruitment processes to make process improvements.

How do we get the information?

From content submitted by you to a recruitment website or company, and communications by email or phone made to us directly.

What is collected?

Your CV, cover letter, email correspondence, notes from telephone calls and interviews.

What do we do with this information?

This information is reviewed by Codamotion staff and potentially by partner recruitment companies for the purpose of selecting the best candidate for the job. It is stored afterwards in case of queries or requests for feedback about the recruitment process.

Where is it stored?

Your information is stored on secure Microsoft servers located at Microsoft premises within the UK, and at our UK offices. We may use the services of subcontractors in the UK who will act as data processors for the purpose of fulfilling these activities on our behalf, in accordance with this policy.

How long is it kept?

For candidates not employed by Codamotion this information is stored for a period of 3 years in case of queries following the recruitment process and for the company to learn from the process. For candidates who are employed by Codamotion this information is transferred to your personnel records and kept as described in the next section (see ‘I work or have previously worked at Codamotion’).

I work or have previously worked at Codamotion (formerly Charnwood Dynamics Limited)

Why do we collect information?

Personal contact and bank details are kept for payroll and pension provision. Personnel files and training records are kept for the purpose of effective management of staff. The legal basis of keeping this data is to allow fulfilment of employment contracts.

If staff leave the company the legal basis of retaining records is for the legitimate interest of the company to be able to investigate tax or employment queries which may be raised by you or the authorities, and to be able to provide employment references to future employers with your permission.

Staff share information using the Teams system and office calendar which may indicate their personal movements, e.g. when they are in the office. The legal basis for storing this information is one of legitimate interests – the company has a duty of care to understand this information and to safeguard lone workers.

In the course of your work with Codamotion, your name, contact details at Codamotion, and communications are stored in the process of documenting and discussing technologies, products, and services created by the company. As a pioneer in a scientific field it is of historical and scientific interest to retain this information. Where the information relates to a product or service the legal basis for storing it is one of legitimate interest in the documentation and market surveillance products and services provided.

How do we get the information?

Staff provide initial information as part of the recruitment and induction processes, and personnel records are taken from ongoing meetings and communications with staff as a regular part of the management process.

What is collected?

Name, home address, personal telephone number, bank details, emergency contact (e.g. next of kin), personnel record including salary information, training record, CV and performance reviews, work email address and work phone number.

What do we do with this information?

Your line manager and senior management within the company use this information for management of your role. Staff, selected payroll and pension providers access personal contact and bank details to make payments according to your contract of employment.

Where is it stored?

Your information is stored on secure Microsoft servers located at Microsoft premises within the UK, and at our UK offices. Personal contact and bank details may be shared in confidence with external accountants, bookkeepers and payroll providers who act on our behalf in accordance with this policy. Bank details will also be provided and stored by our company bank for the purpose of paying you.

How long is it kept?

Information kept for fulfilment of employment contract is kept for the duration of employment, and information kept for legitimate interest in later response to any employment or tax queries raised may be kept for the lifetime of the organisation. Information kept in relation to technologies, products, and services is kept for as long as they remain relevant to the company’s activities. Information kept for scientific and historical purposes is retained indefinitely.

I’ve been in contact with Codamotion because I represent a supplier or potential supplier to the business

Why do we collect information?

The legal basis of keeping this information is one of legitimate interest in the products or services of the supplier to fulfil the needs of the business, to monitor the quality of service provided, and as an audit trail for any Codamotion products or services which rely on the products or services of the supplier.

How do we get the information?

In the process of researching and purchasing goods or services from suppliers.

What is collected?

Names, contact email addresses, and workplaces of those working at suppliers may be kept.

What do we do with this information?

Staff of Codamotion use this information to communicate with suppliers, to select and to purchase appropriate products and services to fulfil the needs of the business.

Where is it stored?

Your information is stored on secure Microsoft servers located at Microsoft premises within the UK, and at our UK offices. We may use the services of subcontractors in the UK who will act as data processors for the purpose of fulfilling these activities on our behalf, in accordance with this policy.

How long is it kept

Not less than the lifetime of any associated product or service plus 10 years, or the legally required minimum, whichever is greater. If not associated with any product or service the information may be kept until you request for it to be deleted.

Use of web cookies and web browsing information

Our web servers collect and store the IP address of machines accessing the website, for the purpose of monitoring site performance, geographical coverage, and visitor numbers. This information is not used for personal profiling. It is held on UK servers. Customers or prospective customers may be offered access to the Codamotion online customer portal, which contains information, training materials, and software downloads. This process requires you to create a login using your name and email address for the purpose of accessing the portal service, and cookies are used by web browsers for the purpose of authorising access to this information during your browsing session, and monitoring portal usage statistics. This information is retained by the company according to one or both the two sections above, entitled “I’ve been in contact with Codamotion because of my interest in 3D movement analysis systems” and “I work at an organisation which owns or has access to use a Codamotion system”, whichever applies to you.

Your rights

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

  • Your right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.

  • Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.

  • Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

  • Your right to object to processing – You have the right to object to direct marketing from Codamotion. Staff of Codamotion have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

  • Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

How to complain

If you have any questions or concerns about Codamotion’s use of data please do not hesitate to contact us by email using the address: [email protected] or by post to the address given at the beginning of this document.

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:

    Information Commissioner’s Office
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    SK9 5AF

    Helpline number: 0303 123 1113